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No, Obama.  It's You And Your Marxist Party That Is Racist.

September 28, 2022
Image by Steve Jurvetson

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Guest post by John Hughes

This week former President Barack Obama spoke at the L’Attitude Conference in San Diego and declared “Right now, the biggest fuel behind the Republican agenda is related to immigration and the fear that somehow America’s character is going to be changed if, people of darker shades, there are too many of them here.”1  Once again the former ‘divider in chief’ attempts to stir up a race controversy before an election.

Interestingly, since leaving the White House, Obama has purchased 2 homes where he splits his time.   He owns an $8 million home in the exclusive Kalorama district of Washington DC.  Kalorama is 71% white and 3% black despite Washington DC being 45% black.  He also owns a $12 million mansion in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.  Martha’s Vineyard is 87% white and 3% black.  As of the 2020 census the US is 57% white and 12% black.  Obama appears to avoid living with people with “darker shades” of skin.  Recall that Martha’s Vineyard threw out 50 Venezuelan migrants just 2 weeks ago citing no logistics to support them despite having 3x the per capita income of Texas, over 50,000 empty hotel rooms, and having 78% of its citizens vote for Biden and his open border policies in the 2020 election.  It seems Obama and his neighbors couldn’t stand the “darker shades” of migrants in their neighborhood.

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Aside from racism, another other big issue being pushed by democrats this election cycle is abortion.  Despite only comprising 12% of the US population, blacks account for 38% of abortions.  Further, over two thirds of abortion clinics are located close to predominantly black neighborhoods.  It seems, Obama and his party can’t stand having too many black babies so they are fighting to keep the slaughter legal.  To outside observers, that could easily be seen as genocide against an entire racial demographic.

The final major issue pushed by Obama and his elitist party is climate change.  After spending nearly $4 Trillion in the past 18 months, the democrats have predictably spawned massive inflation and a recession.  As democrats love to point out, poverty disproportionately affects minorities, particularly blacks.  Therefore, the democrats (and Obama) seem to be bragging about putting further financial strain on the black American community.

To identify some of the most racist people in America, all former President Obama needs to do is look in the mirror and point.

John Hughes, MD

Emergency Physician

USMA Class of 1996

3rd Generation West Pointer

4 combat tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan

1Bunker, Theodore.  “Obama Suggests Racism Behind GOP’s Border Security Push.”  Newsmax 27 September 2022.


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