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The Courage To Face COVID-19 By John Leake And Dr. Peter McCullough Is A Must-Read

January 18, 2023
The Courage To Face COVID-19 By John Leake And Dr. Peter McCullough Is A Must-Read

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Without a doubt, covid-19 created a space in 2020 that distinguished doctors with moral courage and those who were paralyzed with fear, and those who knew how to lead fearlessly and those who sat on the bench in silence. 

In 2020, Dr. Peter McCullough, rose to the occasion and exemplified the courage to face covid-19 as a physician when many others in his profession buckled to the herd mentality by abdicating their Hippocratic oaths to do no harm and care for covid patients with early treatments that worked. 

In December 2022, he again rose to the occasion during one of Senator Ron Johnson’s roundtables and stated emphatically that it was time to stop the covid vaccinations because of the harm they were causing. The evidence was overwhelming. 

Dr. McCullough is an internist, epidemiologist, cardiologist, and the most publicized physician in his specialty in history. He is a man of integrity who not only spoke out but led the way.

Now, True Crime Author John Leake, who has had a keen interest in medical history and forensic medicine, has teamed up with Dr. McCullough. 

A perfect match for a doctor, who stood his ground, took the bricks with a gentleness of heart for patients and generously helped others, with a writer who can tell a story about one of the most sweeping medical negligence and medical crimes in the history of medicine and science.

Much of what caught Leake’s attention also caught CDMedia’s team of journalists covering covid for the last three years,  and that is why we are endorsing The Courage to Face COVID-19. It is the truth that cannot be ignored. 

Together, Leake and McCullough tell a riveting story about how they met by covid coincidence, and have collaborated on The Courage to Face Covid-19, which is a page-turner.

The story tells the behind-the-scene story as it was unfolding and how they both examined the situation through their prisms. 

In early August 2020, Dr. McCullough’s name was gaining notice by journalists covering covid. He published “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatments of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” in The American Journal of Medicine during a time when Americans were told to stay home until their lips were blue, and when they could not breathe, go the hospital. 

But, inside the hospitals, people were dying on ventilators. 

Not administering early treatment made no sense to McCullough -  “a doctors’ doctor” as some have referred to him. This doctor’s instincts and moral compass were to help patients, not sit on the sidelines. 

But, few doctors were speaking out publicly at that time because hospital administrators were hammering the physicians in the ERs and ICUs to follow their directives handed down by the likes of Fauci and CDC, and were ordered to give remdesivir which was killing some patients. 

The Courage to Face COVID-19 cross-references the information as covid-19 played out in real time and connects the voluminous plethora of evidence to bring reality home not just to Americans and foreigners, who are now injected with US PHARMA-manufactured covid-19 “vaccinations.” 

And, the bottom line is the irrefutable evidence that all along the evidence advanced in 2020 by Fauci et al was false and the advice given was lethal. 

The early treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were working. 

The Courage to Face Covid-19 explains what happened like a true crime story. 

It is a must-read so that this never happens again and hopefully, will educate the audience that courageous physicians need to be protected from the bureaucrats who do not have the patients’ best interests. Good doctors, nutritionists, and alternative medicine practitioners must be protected by the public, but the public needs to take responsibility to educate themselves about what it takes to stand up in the medical profession. The physicians and nurses cannot win against PHARMA alone. 

Every citizen is entitled to sound and ethical medicine and early treatment. This book is a case study for every physician who thinks he or she is practicing medicine by following orders and for citizens to realize they have skin in the game. 

In recent years, Dr. McCullough has been the second lead with Senator Ron Johnson’s roundtables where courageous physicians have spoken out. 

Now, is the time for Americans to listen to courageous physicians like Dr. McCullough and the team of physicians he aligns himself with like Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory, and others at the Wellness Center. 

The book interview with Dr. McCullough and John Leake is here.

The interview with Dr. McCullough and Dr. Risch is here. 

The interview with Dr. Marik and Dr. Kory is here. 


Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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