'Choke On A D..., Vickie' - Democrat Officials Spew Hate In Gotham

March 25, 2023
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Racist and misogynist tweets and text messages are flying from public servants here in New York City. They’re exclusively from Democrats and the racism is towards whites and Asians.

Seems like a big story.

Especially since those fomenting hate are largely from the Progressive Caucus of the Democrat party and have dedicated their campaigns and time in public office to “diversity”, “equity” and “inclusion.” We are reminded again that DEI is an expensive government overreach scheme to create and promote racism and division rather than, as it is pitched, to combat it.

The legality of the DEI scheme, which disregards equality under the law, is doubtful. Ethically, it is a total denial of the 250 year old “American Experiment” of liberty and freedom of trade and ideas.

Instagram Gregory A Locke

City Council District 1 representative Christopher Marte and his former senior advisor Steven Wong, Assemblyman Juan Ardila, City Council District District 26 Chi Ossé, City Council District 22 representative Tiffany Caban, Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal, and former administrative law judge Gregory A Locke have made their positions clear. (recently fired)

Instagram Gregory A Locke

Marte’s top aide referred to an Asian mother, Yiatin Chu, as a “dead c*** female Pig Ting stinky c*** woman” for asking questions about his policy positions on WeChat. As per a NY Post article, “Ardilla is accused of forcibly touching two intoxicated women at a 2015 party. His second accuser has also said he kissed her against her will while exposing himself. “He is someone I consider predatory on a pathological level,” said the first accuser. Ossé tweeted, “Don’t trust white people with 0 friends of color in their circle.” He also lays out his beliefs on what should be eliminating factors as the next speaker of the council - whiteness and devilish heterosexuality. “A cis white man should not be the next speaker of the Council”, says Ossé. Caban tweeted during a protest on “restorative justice”, “Carolina, a ninth grader from Staten Island is sick of being patrolled and supervised by white police officers.” Note to Caban, the majority of NYPD are minority. Hoylman tweeted, “This photo; male, pale, stale” with an emoji of a downward facing arrow pointing at a black and white image of white men. And Locke tweeted, “Choke on a dick Vickie,” aimed at Councilwoman Vickie Paladino. Maybe he was mocking her because in his twitter bio, he writes, “sex work is valid.”

The point isn’t that these dreary people are stupid - that they are. The concern here is why do we arm these people with the unethical shield of DEI.

Both women at the receiving end of the vitriol, Chu and Paladino, fought back. Chu responded March 19th with a tweet, “Marte treats this matter as trivial, as he has not apologized and does not feel remorseful,” she said. “His statement shows that he does not value Asian women,...@ChrisMarteNYC It’s not over.” She continued, “Last week, Marte said he wouldn’t fire Wong because he didn’t think the translation of the outrageous voice memos was correct.” (Wong wasn’t fired, he resigned, which speaks volumes as to how Marte views the racist and misogynistic comment). Chu wasn’t backing down. She tweeted, “Here is the English and Chinese transcript of one of the four VMs left by Steven Wong as shared by @Chau2Lotus.” Finally, Chu said, “I would like to hear from every council member on the Women’s committee. @CabanD22 @CouncilwomanKrj @CMKevinCRiley @althea4theBX @JimGennaro @JenGutierrezNYC @InnaVernikov on what they think of @ChrisMarteNYC’s refusal to fire Wong on this disgusting behavior of a public servant on the city council.”

This is what the Committee on Women represents; “issues relating to advancing the economic mobility, social inclusion, leadership and civic participation of women and girls, domestic violence, Office to End Gender Based violence and the Commission on Gender Equity.” Rallying behind Chu and denouncing the verbal abuse falls within the purview of what this committee is supposed to be about. Yet.

Paladino put Locke on blast. She tweeted on March 19, “In case you’re wondering what NYC’s Administrative Law Judges are up to… This is the kind of vile hatred and abuse the Left traffics in when you stand up against their madness. That it’s coming from a judge is a very serious issue we should all be concerned about.”

New York City has 4.382 million women, a little more than half of a total population of residents, which totals 8.468. 3.463 million of the New York City population is white. Asians make up 1.197 million of the New York City demographic. This amounts to a lot of people that these civil servants (no longer civil, no longer servants) have no compunction about insulting.

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The problem is, the Democrats hide behind DEI. Using it as a sword and incessantly talking about “diversity”, “equity”, and “inclusion” has brainwashed the public into believing two things. First, that these miseries champion better civic relations. Second, that these words and the DEI acronym are beneficial to a copacetic environment both in the public and private sector. This is nonsense - they’re simply impaling people on the sword of division.

The question is, why are Democrats emboldened to make their hate public? The answer is, because they get very little pushback - from the media, Democrat party, business owners, and constituents. How can businesses financially sustain this DEI model of hiring based on quotas pertaining to race and gender? They can't. Some have chosen to relocate rather than fight back and reject this insanity.

We should call out hate, especially when it comes from taxpayer funded rulers. We need to highlight the hypocrisy at every turn. City Council elections are November 7th. We should vote out anyone promoting DEI.

A weekly Human Events contributor, 1st book hitting the shelves in March 2023, Jacqueline is a Manhattan native focused on NYC issues, finding solutions, and providing a voice for the void.



Jackie Toboroff

Jacqueline is a Manhattan native focused on NYC issues, finding solutions, and providing a voice for the void. IG @jacquelinefornyc Twitter @jacquetnyc www.Jacquelinefornyc.com

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