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LIVESTREAM REPLAY: The Globalists In Plain Sight - Sasha Latypova 6/25/23

June 25, 2023

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CDM's Globalist Conversations - In Plain Sight - Host Christine Dolan interviews one of CDM's long-time contributors, Sasha Latypova, someone every should listen to about covid shots and PHARMA corruption.

She has been an insider of PHARMA for decades having consulted with at least 60 PHARMA corporations even for Pfizer. Matter of fact, Pfizer invested in one of Latypova's companies.

Sasha Latypova is an expert on manufacturing protocols and decided to take a deep dive into the PHARMA covid manufacturing standards of practices because her instincts told her "something does not seem right." She did it for herself, her family and humanity.

Sasha is recognized as a small group of global experts who know how manufacturing standards of practices are supposed to be implemented.

Now, she finds herself named along with others who have challenged the likes of PHARMA'S narratives on covid shots' safety and advocacy standard practices and manufacturing standards of practice.

This past week Sasha Latypova has been exposed on a list found only naming her as part of a disinformation campaign because of a FOIA - Freedom of Information submission.

Latypova is not backing down and neither is CDM.

Please watch this interview.

Do not be afraid if someone labels you and lies.

Stand up just like Sasha Latypova.

Courage is contagious.

The list is below.

If the link does not work, do not worry, just contact us and we will find it again

For some crazy reason, it sometimes disappears.

Logic leads on this - those who were found out to create this list may not want to be found out.

We have eyes on them now!

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Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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