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Climate Change Matrix Says Quiet Part Out Loud As COP28 Approaches

July 21, 2023

It's not about carbon removal from the atmosphere, It's about stopping Western energy resources

Climate Change Matrix Says Quiet Part Out Loud As COP28 Approaches
Postcombustion carbon capture technology
Image by division, CSIRO

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As the 'COP28' event approaches in the United Arab Emirates in November, the global conference on climate change, a curious thing is happening -- the climate change global cabal is declaring it's 'not interested' in carbon capture and storage technologies, and only interested in stopping the use of fossil fuels.

They are saying the quiet part out loud.

"Abatement technologies must not be used to green-light continued fossil fuel expansion," declared a statement issued by the European Union and 17 nations.

"It cannot be the focus. It's one of the tools, but in a toolkit that has to be about deployment, massive scale up of renewable energy," said The Marshall Islands' Climate Envoy, Tina Stege.

Of course, the Chinese Communist Party gets a pass. They continue to build coal plants at a record rate.

In other words, it's not about actually removing CO2 from the atmosphere, after all it's required for life on planet earth. The entire movement is simply about stopping countries other than China from creating energy to grow their economies, defend themselves, and grow their population.

Quit ingenious and diabolical if you think about it.

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