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The Colonizers Are At It Again

November 23, 2023

It's always all about 'the revolution'

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The unattractive, angry, and spiraling downward (the three things are related) are at it again. The colonialist invaders here incite a jihad plan to disrupt Thanksgiving.

“THURSDAY. [sic] NOV 23rd. 11 AM. Madison Sq. park [sic]. Join us in support of Gaza, ALL of Palestine, and ALL indigenous people resisting everywhere. As Amerikkka [sic] celebrates its genocidal history of the horrors perpetrated against the indigenous people on turtle island, we remind the world that genocide is as American as apple pie. This history continues to this day as we watch the U.S.A orchestrate one of the most horrific genocides being carried out in our time. Payed [sic] for by our tax dollars with the support of our representatives. Show up with Palestinian flags and signs and meet us at Madison Square Park at 11 AM. Share like wildfire.”

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Lest anyone still think that the pro-”Palestine” protestors are solely interested on wiping out Israel and the Jews, think again. Thanksgiving isn’t an Israeli tradition, it's an American one. In fact, it isn’t even necessarily religious. The Pilgrims, Puritan Calvinists, labeled Separatists because they believed their congregations should be separate from the English state church, were the first to celebrate what we now call Thanksgiving. After their first harvest in the New World in November 1621, the 53 survivors of the Mayflower (Pilgrims) celebrated the bounty with Native American Indians. President George Washington issued it a holiday in 1789, designating Thursday, November 26 “for the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving.” This was history, as it marked the first national celebration of the holiday under the new Constitution.

Lacking in all self-awareness, the irony is, the pro-terrorist sympathizers are the occupiers. Why are they here? Who is stopping them from going to Gaza - to fight or to live? Instead, this motley crew, largely first or second generation and not European, is sucking the tit of the American taxpayer. Many are on welfare, Medicaid, and subpar students attending state schools. They’re a nation within a nation - they won’t assimilate and they can’t contribute - they’re losers. What burns them up is the possibility that someone, somewhere, is having a good time.

This Thanksgiving, let’s be grateful we’re not them. Let’s be thankful we don’t live (yet) in a third world vapor where women are treated like cattle, boys are routinely sodomized, and gays are thrown off rooftops. Let’s be thankful that those of us not partaking in domestic terror will be spending quality time with family.



Jacqueline is a Manhattan native focused on NYC issues, finding solutions, and providing a voice for the void. IG @jacquelinefornyc Twitter @jacquetnyc
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