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Biden's Ouster = End Of Boomer Influence

July 23, 2024
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A defining moment for the "We Didn't Start The Fire" Generation

The oversized influence of the world's most storied generation is nearing its end. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.'s unceremonious removal from the world stage stands as the marker for The Day The Boomers Died.

Yes, the president ascendant is a Boomer. Yes, Biden, born in 1942, is officially a Silent Generation cusp-kid. But with his dentures, Ray-Bans, and Corvette Stingray, he's the poster child for Boomerism. And Biden's ouster is the end of America taking cues from normie-mass-media-junkie-self-aggrandizing-smug-bootstrap-ideologue-homeowner-hyper-jabbed oldheads.

They're done. Biden went too far, flew too high on wings made of false promise. And now, whatever mystique still held sway over the populace is gone. The Boomer hold on our collective conscience is finished.

The generation that brought us Roe v. Wade. The generation that took God out of public schools. The generation that embraced divorce. The generation of casual drug use and over-vaccinating children. The generation of "spiritualism" and "finding yourself." The generation of self-help. The generation of obesity and bad posture. The generation of hippies.

Now it's time to stop blaming them for everything (that only gives them oxygen and relevance). It's time to ignore Boomers, and begin to fix the issues they bequeathed to us. Debt, fraught race relations, and godlessness, to name a few.

Let's go Brandon.

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