This Week in Crime: DNC Edition

August 22, 2024
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Chicago Blues

It's been a wild week so far at the DNC, but that's what happens when you choose Chicago as your host city. We'll take things in reverse chronological order, so first up: a Democratic delegate was robbed at gunpoint today.

The thief, in a ski mask and driving a black Range Rover, first robbed a 25 year-old man, then crossed the street and robbed the delegate, a 37 year-old man, and his companion, a 40 year-old woman, before speeding away.

The perpetrator and his getaway driver are believed to be tied to other recent crimes in the area.

Pelosi Caught Littering

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was observed littering on the stage of the DNC last night. Pelosi, already known for public destruction of property, appeared to drop an item out of the leg of her pantsuit as she approached the podium to speak to the assembled delegates.

The elderly ex-gavel banger paused, turned, and looked at the debris in her wake, then stepped up to the lectern. Many have guessed as to what it was she so flagrantly discarded. Toilet paper, stock picks, a baggie of some illicit substance? None have been confirmed at the time of writing.

Rank Hypocrisy

Admittedly, it's not an arrestable offense, but the lies and hypocritical comments are piling up in Chicago faster than body bags at the Cook County Morgue. the star of the show so far, Oprah Winfrey, lambasted Donald Trump last night to much applause. The problem? Oprah once wanted to be Trump's vice president.

"Too bad we're not running for office", she wrote in a postscript. "What a TEAM!"

Those were the days, right Oprah? Back before you fell in with Harvey Weinstein?

But it gets worse. Every other speaker in the heavily walled-off, AR-15-protected DNC compound has railed against Project 2025--the work of think tank Heritage Foundation, a grandiose wishlist of policy items--claiming it is in fact Trump's secret agenda. As opposed to Agenda 47, which painstakingly details Trump's plan for his next term.

The left has tried and tried to vilify Project 2025. Now, their own mainstream media backers have had enough. CNN last night debunked the claims of several DNC speakers, using Lisa Blunt Rochester (DE-D) as an example. The CNN fact checker clearly states that Trump was not associated with the infamous document.

Lastly--though it's far from the last example--we have woke Sheriff Javier Salazar claiming that Harris worked for years on the border and that Trump didn't do anything to help. A little bit of digging online shows just the opposite: Salazar complaining in 2022 that he couldn't get federal assistance.

We look forward to updating the growing list of DNC blunders tomorrow, after all the delegates have cleared out (hopefully in one piece, and with all of their possessions).

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What about the 25 abortions at the DNC. That was on the 2nd day so the number is probably higher.

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