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Why Is Vaccine Injury A Partisan Issue?

August 30, 2024
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Take to social media. Choose any platform, it doesn't matter which. Search for "Long Covid".

Now click on the bio of each individual claiming to suffer from "Long Covid", and you'll recognize a pattern. Overwhelmingly, their self-descriptions contain woke/progressive markers. Preferred pronouns, Ukraine flags, "resist", blue wave emojis, "I believe the science", LGBTQ, short, the lefty works.

Conservatives joke about the left suffering from the "woke mind virus". Does a real, or psychosomatic, manifestation of this perceived illness exist? Why is post-pandemic suffering partisan?

Let's begin with a few examples.

Hmm...Heather sounds like a Democrat. Let's check the bio.

Here's an example of what we at The Manhattan were directly party to. It seems that @FenrirsChains is unwilling to provide receipts, but he's fine with ad hominem attacks.

I wonder if he's a progressive?

Oooh...pronouns? Check. "Science"? Check. "Vote blue"? Check. "Vaccinate"? Check. This guy--or bot--is the epitome of the "Long Covid" set. These are the same people who love to tell Trump supporters that they're "in a cult." Lol.

Here's another one who is living in a prison of her (and her mass media purveyors') own making. It's sad to see over and over again.

Let's check in on her bio to get a sense of what her poor therapists have been coping with.

Laura is right. All the silly medical professionals are wrong. Trust Laura! She's "pre-med"!

Bio check: aaaaaaaand pronouns.

Sigh. Shot...

...and booster. Er, chaser.

There sure are a lot of scientists with pronouns who have "Long Covid". Maybe that correlation merits a new study!

OK, not to beat a dead horse, but one more.

Chimére's bio ought to be Long Covid racist?

Surely It's Not All Mental...Right?

A 2023 study suggests that the prevalence and severity of "Long Covid" were exaggerated, leading to anxiety and psychosomatic illness. Given some of what you've seen above, could it be that a certain cohort of authoritarian-prone, victimhood-mentality folks might seize on some gauzy new disease? A hard-to-define, lasting excuse to loll around while loved ones worry and cater to their whims?

Or is "Long Covid" being sold to us by a bot army--paid for by the very purveyors of Covid mRNA vaccines--as a catch-all to explain away the very real epidemic of vaccine injury?

The truth is beginning to leak out. Two days ago, Japanese broadcasting giant NHK shed light on evidence of mRNA vaccine injury. The audience replied en masse, detailing their reactions after taking the vaccines.

Thankfully, a bevy of doctors are fearlessly coming forward to join the small handful who held the line during Covid, such as Dr. Peter McCullough. It's worth noting that they are questioning "the science," which is of course simply employing the scientific method and not trusting what Anthony "Voice of Science" says.

God bless those physicians who haven't forgotten their Hippocratic Oath in the last several years. Many were certainly incentivized financially to do just that.

What If It Is Real In Some Cases?

We don't claim to be scientists, unlike so many individuals online. Further, what if the partisan divide on this issue isn't so cut and dried as all that? Confirmation bias is real, after all, and we appreciate the exercise of entertaining two thoughts at once.

If "Long Covid" is a real phenomenon (and to be fair to the suffering--we all know loved ones who were simply frightened or coerced into taking the jab) there appears to be hope in the form of nicotine, heretofore a public health menace. In a 2023 study, patients were treated with nicotine patches.

The scientific reasoning for the success? From the study:

"Several investigators could demonstrate that the SARS-CoV-2 related spike glycoprotein (SGP) attaches not only to ACE-2 receptors but also shows DNA sections highly affine to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). The nAChR is the principal structure of cholinergic neuromodulation and is responsible for coordinated neuronal network interaction. Non-intrinsic viral nAChR attachment compromises integrative interneuronal communication substantially. This explains the cognitive, neuromuscular and mood impairment, as well as the vegetative symptoms, characterizing post-COVID-19 syndrome. The agonist ligand nicotine shows an up to 30-fold higher affinity to nACHRs than acetylcholine (ACh). We therefore hypothesize that this molecule could displace the virus from nAChR attachment and pave the way for unimpaired cholinergic signal transmission. Treating several individuals suffering from post-COVID-19 syndrome with a nicotine patch application, we witnessed improvements ranging from immediate and substantial to complete remission in a matter of days."

Other medical experts have come forth with spike protein cleanses and post-Covid protocols, none more notable than The Wellness Company and Dr. Peter McCullough.

Guess Who Still Wants You To Get Boosted?

Yes, there are those, who, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, want you to get the latest Covid vaccine "booster," which was made available last week in US pharmacies. Surprising only the least informed, it's the US government, namely, the Food and Drug Administration.

Dr. Peter Marks has taken a slightly more conciliatory stance than drug pushers Fauci and Joe Biden, both of whom claimed the virus would stop victims patients from contracting and transmitting the virus.

On Monday, Marks claimed that the new virus isn't a guarantee. “The vaccine is not intended to be perfect. It’s not going to absolutely prevent COVID-19," Marks told NPR in an interview.

A former FDA commissioner--and current Pfizer board member!--also weighed in. Scott Gottlieb echoed Marks' remarks. It's almost like our government works with Big Pharma to steer the public's response to a wildly profitable pandemic.

As for the original question we posed, it seems that people who question powerful institutions--people who think critically and independently--tended to question the rushed, experimental vaccine. Those who follow "the experts" and assume the government has their best interests in mind? They're the reason Pfizer, et al. bothered to manufacture a new booster. They're all in.

So it's not exactly partisan, but it does speak to conservative vs. liberal values.

Remember: no refunds!

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