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Turnstile Jumpers Are Alvin Bragg's Acolytes

September 6, 2024
"One small step for man..."

Alvin Bragg's grand sociological experiment is demoralizing.

The DEI attorney general has fostered a culture of divisive, uncaring citizenship in New York City. As a tool of his Semitic superiors, Bragg worked for the law firm of Morvillo Abramowitz Grand Iason & Anello. He then joined the the office of a real New York role model, hooker-happy Elliot Spitzer. Subsequently, Bragg was appointed to AG by Eric Schneiderman. Mazel tov!

Bragg brought a case against Trump so laughable that even Andrew Cuomo and the DOJ concur that it was meritless. The point is that he is a blunt tool, used by those who prefer not to soil their own hands.

Furthermore, Bragg's insidious campaign to encourage lawlessness has a human toll. Every year, 2,000+ Americans are murdered by illegal aliens.

The Point Emerges...

All this preamble is to say: a knock-on effect of Bragg's Marxist monkeying is fare evasion. Increasingly, New Yorkers are shirking their civic duty and breaking the law.

"Oh chill out," you say. "What's the big deal, this economy is tough, man. Give 'em a break."

"She walked in through the out door, out door"

That's a slippery slope, my brothers and sisters in Christ. The new gospel--that people of color are systemically disenfranchised and owed reparations--has fostered a culture of permissive lawlessness. The chimera of wokeness has spread so far that even white liberals borrow the mantle of the oppressed and break the little laws to stick it to the "patriarchy."

Never mind that we elected a black Kenyan...twice. Never mind that the Supreme Court is 44% female and 44% non-white. Never mind that DEI and ESG are alive and well despite recent setbacks. But keep in mind that the author of "White Fragility", Robin DiAngelo, is a fraud.

Keep in mind that we've paid reparations for 60 years--it's called welfare. And food stamps. And affirmative action/race quotas. And until very recently, biased college admissions.

What Price, Dignity? Two Dollars And Ninety Cents??

Fare evaders are scum. It's $2.90 to ride from the Bronx to Coney Island. Best deal in town, besides the free Staten Island Ferry. Breaking the law for less than the price of a latte is low. And it adds up: the MTA estimates $700 million per year is lost due to lazy, entitled freeriders.

As a result, chickensh*t Gov. Kathy "Spy Whisperer" Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams want to fob off the losses on car owners with congestion pricing (on hold temporarily, but it's coming).

All four of the fare evader photos above were taken today, in the course of two minutes. The myth of "more cops in the subway" was a political stunt that lasted about a month. They're either not there, or on their phones. New Yorkers know that there is no longer a penalty for misdemeanors. Why not save three bucks?

Morals? That's a you problem.

Broken Windows Theory is real. It used to be just the usual suspects jumping the turnstiles. Now it's pretty much anyone. In the photo above and left? That's a girl in the uniform of an elite private school that we won't name here. Her tuition--for grade school--is $63,000 per year.

We're Living In A Society!

The reason the Seinfeld "we're living in a society" clip is funny: George is tilting at windmills. The idea that New Yorkers care about civility is, on its face, ludicrous. We're known around the world for our rudeness.

But at the end of the clip, the lie is revealed. The man who took so long on the phone apologizes, and George sheepishly accepts the mea culpa. It rings true because, as any Gothamite will attest, if a stranger asks for help on the street, we oblige profusely. Proudly. Eager to show off our knowledge. Overbearingly, even.

And that's the spirit Bragg wants to kill. He wants us mad at each other. Seeing color, not commonality. That feeling right after 9/11? The opposite of that is Alvin Leonard Bragg, Jr.

Say it together: F*** Alvin Bragg.

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The Manhattan is a new media outlet combatting the Leftist narrative in NYC. We love The Big Apple, we want it to succeed and prosper and are committed to revealing how flawed ‘progressive’ policy is ruinous. As crime spikes, the homeless crisis balloons, schools continue to degrade, and quality of life plummets, we’re determined to help effectuate change. The Manhattan will fearlessly chronicle the problems and try to offer solutions. We won’t shy away from issues, we will lean into them.
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