• Crime Is Down, The Economy Is Great--Trust Us!

    September 26, 2024
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    YouTube screencap.

    You know the Dad joke: How can you tell if a politician is lying? His lips are moving.

    Sometimes it's so blatant, so in your face, that you have to laugh to keep from crying. Pete Buttigieg, whose lips frame a rodent-like mouth, stands as possibly the lowest man in Biden's cabinet on the Mountain of DEI hierarchy. Sure, he's gay, but other than that, he's a married white man with a kid.

    When he's not busy hiding whether his child is the result of surrogacy or adoption, heads the Department of Transportation. So why is he talking about crime?

    Jeffrey Anderson penned a recent Wall Street Journal piece, in which he explained the crime discrepancy thoroughly, citing five key points. Anderson, president of the think tank American Mainstreet Initiative, was previously the director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics, so he is an authority concerning federal crime reporting.

    Anderson prefers the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), a national database managed by the Dept. of Justice, is a superior tool compared to the FBI's haphazard crime data gathering.

    "First," Anderson explains, "the NCVS figures are finalized statistics, not unpolished, partial-year preliminary figures. Second, the FBI switched to a new reporting system in 2021 that makes year-to-year comparisons (from before to after its change) difficult if not impossible. Third, the NCVS is a nationally representative survey, while the FBI lacks data from a relatively large number of law enforcement agencies, including the Los Angeles Police Department, and it hasn’t had the same mix of agencies reporting data each year. Fourth, the FBI isn’t considered a principal statistical agency by the federal government, so its ability to compensate for such missing data is limited. Fifth, the NCVS captures crimes whether they are reported to the police or not."

    Buttigieg went back to the drawing board, quote-tweeting himself in order to address all those who had piled on his lofty proclamation. This led to another reason for the "drop" in crime: wokeness. In a post-defund world, in the era of decriminalization, our old standards for what constitutes crime have shifted.

    Despite Buttigieg protesting too much, there's no fooling the American people. The open border for 3.5 years always meant more crime. Placing the equivalent population of three new Atlantas in the US, few of whom know the rules of the road, let alone our cultural customs, was always a recipe for disaster.

    Would Ya Look At That Stock Market And Jobs Report?

    To hear the current administration tell it, the economy is in fine shape as well. Again, the contrast with what Americans are feeling could scarcely be sharper.

    SPR 5-year chart.

    While Biden-Harris can fudge a few statistics in the short term by falsely lowering gas costs by draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, overstating gains in the job report only to "correct" later in August, lowering the true number by nearly a million jobs , and cutting interest rates by a shocking 50 basis points while the stock market and home prices at record highs, they can't control everything.

    Consumer confidence As measured by the Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index dropped by the largest amount in three years in September to 98.7.

    Woke reporting is meaningless. In their insistence that things are better, the Harris-(Biden) administration is losing what little credibility they have left.

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