• 60 Minutes Edited Kamala Interview To Cover Israel Gaffe--Did She Spill CIA Tea?

    October 8, 2024
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    You don't hate the media nearly enough.

    The ballyhooed CBS 60 Minutes interview--as it aired--was not great, but not a disaster. Harris managed to say many of the right things to placate her base. Her mealymouthed answer on the border was to be expected, as was the lack of tough follow-up questions.

    Some of it was ridiculous, like trying to flex because she owns a handgun.

    Every regime that has taken guns away from its citizens held onto their own firearms, Kamala. That's how they maintain what Hillary Clinton calls "total control".

    In the video, you see two answers given about Harris' stance on the Israel-Palestine war. In the original, unedited version, she gives a longer, less self-assured answer. The individual who wrote the tweet called it a "nonsense" answer.

    But it's worse than that. Harris reveals a side to the story that CBS didn't want America to hear.

    60 Minutes correspondent Bill Whitaker asked Harris what she thought about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu seemingly ignoring her opinions of the war on the global stage.

    "Well, Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by, or a result of, many things, including our advocacy for what has to happen in the region."

    Translation: it sounds an awful lot like she admitted to an intel operation to start "movements" in Palestine in order to influence the direction of the conflict. Sounds an awful lot like the pro-Palestine protests here in America. Sounds a lot like CIA-organized al-Qaeda. Sounds a lot like Antifa here in the US.

    It's easy to listen to the answer and not hear the import of her words. Because Harris is long-winded and not charismatic, people tune out her "word salad." But listen to her. She's trying to say what the US is doing behind the scenes without saying it--sort of a verbal wink.

    Her slip could be fairly interpreted as Harris trying to sound tough and in-the-know when asked a pointed question, and exposing classified info in the process. Defensive, unsure, prone to overshare--that's not the kind of person Americans want in the Oval Office.

    Just as stunning is that 60 Minutes edited the answer to make Harris sound more confident (and not disclose potentially classified information). Conservatives know the media is wildly biased to the liberal/globalist agenda.

    One can only become so outraged. Of course, right now, he machine is turned up to 11, despite the pretense of asking Harris tough questions. 60 Minutes deserves all the media scrutiny they won't receive for this incident, which will get chalked up to an overzealous intern in the editing booth or some such.

    But it's the premier lefty news show in America. Are there no standards? Zero?

    Then again, it's the same program that had Dan Rather lie about George W. Bush's military service, which seems quaint nowadays, but was in many ways the accelerant in the inferno of malfeasance and unaccountable intel infiltration into mass media.

    Which is likely why Harris' spill was quickly cleaned up.

    The Trump campaign has called for the release of the full, unedited interview.

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