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Long Island Teen Athlete Dies Suddenly As Covid Vaccine Evidence Piles Up

December 2, 2024
Connor Kasin (X screencap).

Connor Kasin was 17 when he died during an ice hockey match at the Oyster Bay Ice Skating Center in Bethpage.

Kasin, a senior at Massapequa High School on Long Island, fell to the ice between periods in the game. CPR failed to revive him, and he was pronounced dead. Kasin was playing in a charity match to celebrate the life of another teenager who had recently died. Sabrina Navaretta was 19 when she was involved in a car crash in Newark last year.

So why does this keep happening? Arguably, no one on earth is healthier than a teenage athlete. Kasin was described by his coach Jeff Tempone as "probably the in the best shape [physically] on the team."

Stories like this were practically unheard of just a few years ago.

Many point to mRNA Covid vaccines.

Based on testimony from Senator Ron Johnson's Covid-19 hearing, "Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?", a panel of esteemed doctors, scientists, businesspeople, and other professionals assembled the pieces of the Covid vaccine puzzle. Sen. Johnson (R-WI) arranged and quarterbacked the panel in February.

Of particular interest is the section when Edward Dowd addresses the recent increase in all cause mortality. Dowd is a legendary former asset manager for Blackrock, where he managed a $14 billion equity portfolio for ten years.

He brings his expertise in data analysis to the statistical quandary of the increase in death above and beyond what we would reasonably expect to see. The results are horrifying in their mathematical simplicity.

As Dowd explains, there are many ways to explain away the horrors of Covid, but it's hard to hide dead bodies. Life insurance companies such as OneAmerica Financial reported 40% excess mortality in their group life policy plans a year after the shots were approved.

Such an increase in mortality is unheard of. "10 percent [increase] would be once in a 200-year flood, which would be a three standard-deviation event...40 percent is off the charts".

And that's just the deaths. The toll of increased heart disease and cancers will add a further strain to the medical system, not to mention the emotional lives of affected families. "It's something we'll be talking about for the next 100 years," Dowd claims.

Less than two weeks ago, another "mysterious" case of a young athlete dying briefly made the news. Kaiden Francis was a freshman basketball player at the University of Mobile. The 18 year-old from Fort Lauderdale, Florida died on campus after basketball practice.

How soon until his name, along with Kasin's, is forgotten, a sad but fleeting historical footnote? Or will the incoming Trump administration begin to wrestle with the legacy of the mRNA vaccines to honor their tragically short lives?

Many have noted on social media that several of Trump's cabinet picks were, at one time or another, advocates of the vaccines. Time will tell if they remain in a state of denial, like so many American institutions that pushed the experimental, emergency-use shots, or if they have the mental elasticity to work toward a cure for the "cure".

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Stephen Wiggins

I thought I would comment here because no one else is.

michael savell

You should know by now that Mr Trump's big failing is his overconfidence..He simply mustn't be wrong.In the UK there has never been any questions asked,the only inquiry is in to the cost.Hope RFK is better but Ramaswanney would have been best.

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