Bishop Budde Becomes New Poster Girl For Dying DEI--And The Dying, Woke Episcopal Church

January 21, 2025
The Trumps are not amused (YouTube).

Here at The Manhattan, we know quite a bit about the Episcopal Church, for better or worse. Once a proud institution, it has been brought low due to the very woke policies that have harmed companies like Anheuser-Busch and Boeing, and poisoned our public schools.

Formed after the American Revolution, the Episcopal Church is the American offshoot of the Anglican Church, or Church of England. Anglican clergy are required to pledge allegiance to the throne, so to continue as such in the US was a nonstarter. Hence, the rebranding.

Of the mainline Protestant churches in America, the Episcopal Church was historically the elite one. The church of wealth, the most US presidents, and itself a massive national landowner, it was also known for its beautiful, Bach-heavy hymnal, and its fussy, high-church liturgical trappings. Nearly 75% of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were Episcopalians.

--Many such cases.

Then it went woke. The Civil Rights movement and Equal Rights Amendment crowd found fertile soil in Episcopal churches. In 1976, at the 65th General Convention (when many priests and bishops gather to determine policy), the church voted to allow the ordination of women.

The move was seen as inconsistent with Scripture by many. Regardless, it turned out to be a slippery slope. By 2015, church leaders voted to allow LGBT persons to be ordained, leading quickly to openly gay and lesbian priests and bishops.

The effect, quietly lamented by Episcopal churchgoers nationwide, has been flood-like. In many dioceses, and especially here in New York, it's hard to find a church with a straight priest in charge. Many of those choose to interpret the teachings of Christ through the lens of their sexuality.

Regular attendance in Episcopal churches has suffered. As we reported last year, mainline Protestant churches are dying across the country, and Episcopalians lead the way.

Hey Budde, Can You Spare A Few Million Parishioners?

So, what to make of Bishop Mariann Budde's "plea" from the pulpit of the National Cathedral today, with the Trump and Vance families in attendance? Sadly, a lot, but also, not much.

Budde asked Trump in a quavering voice for "mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and Independent families, some who fear for their lives." She went on to paint illegal aliens in glowing terms--doing the jobs no one wants, and worshipping faithfully. She even claimed they pay taxes.

Yes, it's a big deal to passively rebuke a sitting president, especially so on the first full day of his historic new term, for well over two minutes. At the same time, it's a largely empty gesture backed by a lot of feelings, and not the statistics and cold reality of what has transpired in America over the past four years.

"Our God teaches us that we are to be merciful to the stranger, for we were all once strangers in this land," Budde intoned, leaving off the part that millions were herded into America in an elaborate stunt designed to win elections for the dying Democratic Party.

Budde has TDS, or Trump Derangement Syndrome. Clips of her yelling about Trump in 2020 have surfaced. Budde rants that "black and brown people have been under the knee of this country in ways that we have witnessed time and again...I'm done speaking to President Trump, we need to replace President Trump."

She is clearly one of the millions brainwashed by legacy media into believing that Trump is Hitler, racist, rapist, Russian-owned, the whole nine yards.

As such, her lamentations and exhortations fail to hit their mark. Budde is a caricature, a Karen in robes, the very picture of what America rejected at the ballot box. The institution she represents is in a shambles.

Instead of honoring the powerful families that showed up to pray on their first full day in office, Budde chose to treat them like so many who have walked away from woke churches. For every Episcopalian who is saying "You go, girl!" on social media, three others are shaking their heads and perhaps looking for a new church.

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The Manhattan is a new media outlet combatting the Leftist narrative in NYC. We love The Big Apple, we want it to succeed and prosper and are committed to revealing how flawed ‘progressive’ policy is ruinous. As crime spikes, the homeless crisis balloons, schools continue to degrade, and quality of life plummets, we’re determined to help effectuate change. The Manhattan will fearlessly chronicle the problems and try to offer solutions. We won’t shy away from issues, we will lean into them.

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This crap is one of the reasons I left organized religion behind. The primary reason was the failure of the church to support clergy, of any religion, who stood up to the tyranny of the Covid plandemic. Scripture in no way shape or form would allow this creature to be ordained. The scriptures delineating women’s roles in church and life.  


a minor whore of babylon

allahu fubar


Little whore of baylon

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