The Softening Of Bill Gates: WSJ Gently Paints Him As Epstein Victim

January 27, 2025
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Bill Gates and Mila Antonova (X screencap).

It's damage control time for folks on the Epstein "Lolita Express" list.

In the lead-up to the Trump administration's release of several troves of classified documents--including files on the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr.--some individuals are doing what they can to soften the blow. One of the highly anticipated files is the infamous Epstein client list.

Allegedly appearing on that list several times is one William Henry Gates III. Gates met with Wall St. Journal Editor-in-Chief Emma Tucker on his Wyoming ranch, where she lobbed softballs to the tech titan.

The clear intent of the interview was to paint Gates in softer tones. On one hand, strolling around the rugged, natural landscape in a flannel shirt was a smart choice, putting Gates in a relatable space, removed from the sterile office or laboratory settings to which we've become accustomed. On the other hand, it serves as a reminder that Gates is the largest private landowner in the US, with roughly 250,000 acres to his name.

During their chat, Gates shared a few tidbits that were likely intended to humanize the historically cold and calculating man. He claims that if he were a child today, he would be diagnosed on the autism spectrum. "I have a behavior where I rock, that bothers people...self-stimmy type things...there's a bit of a pattern match there," Gates claims in his trademark chirpy-yet-brittle voice.

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Gates is also a MAGA man! He met for "over three hours" with President Donald Trump recently. Among other topics, the two discussed the future of energy, fitting for someone who owns a nuclear power plant. Gates' company TerraPower built a plant in Wyoming that uses sodium instead of water to cool the reactor.

So: Gates wants to be seen as a rugged outdoorsman. And we should feel sorry for him for being "slow to socialize" as an autist. Oh, and he's a friend of Trump, chats endlessly with him! And we'd be remiss not to mention Gates' new book, Source Code, coming to a Barnes & Noble near you in February. He claims it's "all about the early experiences that shaped me".

How humanizing!

Screencap of Gates' ad for his new book.

Surely Gates sees the writing on the wall and is taking steps to mitigate the blowback, not just over Epstein, but his outsized role in the Covid pandemic. Gates is rivaled only by Tony Fauci on the list of unelected individuals who steered the inhumane response to the virus.

Lastly, Gates reveals that he had an affair with a Russian bridge player, Mila Antonova. It was this dalliance, Gates claims, that Epstein held over his head as a threat.

The final brush stroke in this paint job is that Gates was blackmailed by Epstein. Surely he would have cut off contact with the evil pedophile sooner--if only he could have! It's a deftly played card, not least of all because of the decades he spent with Melinda Gates seem to many like a punishment in its own right.

In any case, the WSJ puff piece stands as a prime example of purchased press. Gates' intentions are clear, and should be derided.

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