• NYC Middle School Teacher Encourages Students To Engage In Political Violence

    September 11, 2022

    ‘Throw’ Bricks ‘At The People’ With Opposing Views

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    Ariane Franco, Middle School English Teacher, NYC Department of Education: “This is what I told my students. I was like, ‘Guys, there’s strategic ways to do this [protest].’ You want to…I brought up [a] crazy organization that have done this. Like, they chose which places to throw bricks in. They chose -- and they didn’t do it in their own neighborhood…They didn’t do it to black and brown communities. Doing it to our own community does not make sense.”

    Franco: “You got to go after the people who it’s not directly affecting…Throw it [brick] at the people that are actually doing the things that [need to] change.”

    Franco: “I tell them -- my kids -- we don’t stand up for the Pledge [of Allegiance].  We do the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, you know, but we keep going on our business. It was a class decision at the beginning of the school year: ‘They’re not talking about me, so I’m not standing up,’ you know?”

    Franco: “At one point, when I first started challenging it [the Pledge of Allegiance], I had my kids change the words…It was something like -- I think we added at the end, ‘And we will fight for those who this does not address,’ or something like that.  We added to [it] because it’s like, ‘And liberty and justice for all, and we will fight until that is true.’”

    Franco: The students and I “would kneel” during the Pledge of Allegiance. 


    [NEW YORK – Sept. 11, 2022] Project Veritas released a fourth video in its newly launched Education Series today exposing a public-school teacher.

    Ariane Franco, who teaches English to NYC middle school students, was recorded admitting how she advises teenagers to engage in violence against those who stand in the way of her political agenda.

    “This is what I told my students. I was like, ‘Guys, there’s strategic ways to do this [protest].’ You want to…I brought up [a] crazy organization that have done this. Like, they chose which places to throw bricks in. They chose -- and they didn’t do it in their own neighborhood…They didn’t do it to black and brown communities. Doing it to our own community does not make sense,” Franco said. 

    “You got to go after the people who it’s not directly affecting…Throw it [brick] at the people that are actually doing the things that [need to] change.

    ”The teacher said the Pledge of Allegiance is not respected in her classroom:

    Franco: Like, I tell them -- my kids -- we don’t stand up for the Pledge [of Allegiance].  We do the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, you know, but we keep going on our business.

    Veritas Journalist: Yeah, yeah.

    Franco: It was a class decision at the beginning of the school year: “They’re not talking about me, so I’m not standing up,” you know? At one point, when I first started challenging it [the Pledge of Allegiance], I had my kids change the words.

    Veritas Journalist: Oh wow. How did it go?

    Franco: I can’t remember. It was something like -- I think we added at the end, “And we will fight for those who this does not address,” or something like that. We added to [it] because it’s like, “And liberty and justice for all, and we will fight until that is true.”

    Franco: I used to kneel [for the Pledge of Allegiance] when it first -- when BLM -- like when the BLM-

    Veritas Journalist: You used to what, now?

    Franco: I used to kneel.

    Veritas Journalist: Kneel in the class?

    Franco: I mean, I couldn’t go all the way, but I would kneel- 

    Veritas Journalist: Would the students do it, too? 

    Franco: Yeah! 



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    The Manhattan is a new media outlet combatting the Leftist narrative in NYC. We love The Big Apple, we want it to succeed and prosper and are committed to revealing how flawed ‘progressive’ policy is ruinous. As crime spikes, the homeless crisis balloons, schools continue to degrade, and quality of life plummets, we’re determined to help effectuate change. The Manhattan will fearlessly chronicle the problems and try to offer solutions. We won’t shy away from issues, we will lean into them.

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    People wonder why products of the public school system have no marketable skills.

    John C

    She needs to be fired. She is encouraging violence.


    So, extrapolating this just a bit...
    Does this not mean that her students, with which her views happen to conflict, would be legally within their right to bring bricks to school (which will go right through a metal detector, wink wink nod nod), and clobber their teach with said bricks because they have opposing (some would simply say, correct) views?

    It seems to me like she wouldn't have a leg to stand on if she sued any of her students that acted out exactly how she suggested they do.

    Food for thought.


    Schools need to be "reset"
    Our schools have failed our children and our Nation.
    As the saying goes: "the family is the bedrock of any Nation and as the family goes, so does the Nation."


    FIRE this FRAUD of a teacher.

    R Ander

    Urban public schools have failed. This is why they are reduced to throwing bricks. The teachers unions have killed urban public schools. Urban mothers cry with happiness when their child has won a lottery to enter a charter school.


    More destructive Lie-beral Demonocrat policies. What do you think the consequences will be ?!?! Wallow in it, New Jerk !

    Michael Wilkens

    State and federal authorities should be notified of this teacher plottin got commit violence and using children as human shields to accomplish it. NYC Dept of Education are worthless and impotent in managing the city's school system, with many in that Dept being pedophiles and drug user-sellers.

    Any school teachers who support political violence should be removed, period! These teachers have a responsibility to teach, not destroy, and they owe it to parents and this nation to careful and thoughtful about the messages they send.

  • Finally, Real NYC Investigative Journalism.
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