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“If You Set Out To Take Vienna, Take Vienna”

October 6, 2022

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New York City is on fire. For the first time since former Mayor de Blasio took office in 2014, the heat is coming from an ignited and expanding Conservative base. They are young, action oriented, and the establishment’s worst nightmare; former Democrats and Independents.

Along with an under the radar group, Circle 79, we planned a GOTV for Lee Zeldin. All that was mentioned in the email invitation was that there would be a “guest speaker.” On Friday, September 30th, email invitations went out. Our goal was to assemble an intimate group that could fit inside a private residence. Within 24 hours, we flew past capacity and had a waitlist. Between Saturday and Wednesday, October 5th, my phone was blowing up from people begging to attend. We were turning people away due to space limitations.

Wednesday, October 5th, 45 minutes before the event was slated to start, there was a line outside the lobby. At 7:30pm, Steve Bannon entered and said with a straight face that he came from the Tombs. It set the tone; if this man who doesn’t even live here can fight for New York, we New Yorkers have no excuse.

It cannot be overstated that in the national progressive enclave in America, home to the New York Times and captive media, naked extensions of the ruling Democrat caucus, the swell of people erupted into deafening applause. Let this sink in, the attendees were DEMOCRATS, Independents, and Republicans. They were fully aware that Republican gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin wasn’t coming but were there to support him and repudiate the deadly spiral of crime, homelessness, inflation, and broken education. However, that the crowd erupted for Bannon is the emerging story.

We are determined to get Zeldin over the finish line. Yet, the Bannon episode reveals not only a thirst for Republican principles but a desperate backbone of Conservatism.

Bannon spoke plain English, “The cavalry isn’t coming, we are the cavalry.” During the Q&A, many wanted to know how we combat cheating and non-citizens voting. Bannon replied, “Stop whining, there are a hundred reasons you can come up with why not to vote, why to not get to the polls, now come up with some reasons to vote, to get to the polls.” Ladies and gentlemen, the polls are only right if we don’t show up! Get your asses to the polls, get your friends to go with you, and volunteer to help the candidates or the clubs. Zeldin needs 35% of New York City to win.

In attendance was Chairwoman of the Manhattan GOP Andrea Catsimatidis and heavy lifters from the Met Club; they’re all in and need the support from the community - our community!. We had people from Fox, OANN’s Caitlin Sinclair, and local media . But the most important people, everyday citizens trying to make it to school pick-up and drop-off without getting assaulted in the subway, young women who want to be able to afford a fun night out and not get raped along the way, and small business owners fighting to survive, were with us and fired up. We had mother Madeline Brame, whose son survived two tours in Afghanistan but couldn’t survive the streets of New York City; her son was murdered, the killer arrested and set free under the regime of DA Alvin Bragg. Another mother, a professor and lifelong Democrat came; she had time as she was fired from her position last year for not doling out “A’s” to undeserving students.

Here are the marching orders: on November 8h, vote for the ticket of Lee Zeldin and Alison Esposito, NYS AG candidate Mike Henry, and senate candidate Joe Pinion. As Bannon left, he repeated Napoleon’s direction to his generals “If you set out to take Vienna, take Vienna.” Now, let’s take New York!

Jackie is a weekly Human Events contributor, 1st book hitting the shelves in March 2023, Jacqueline is a Manhattan native focused on NYC issues, finding solutions, and providing a voice for the void.

IG @jacquelinefornyc
Twitter @jacquetnyc

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Jacqueline is a Manhattan native focused on NYC issues, finding solutions, and providing a voice for the void. IG @jacquelinefornyc Twitter @jacquetnyc
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All you losers probably voted for Biden & DeBlassio. So now they're a big cheerleading section for Republicans? Stuff it!


NYC is the greatest city in the U.S. It belongs to you, the people. It is being destroyed by the marxist, progressives in current office positions. The citizens must vote them out and replace with conservative Republican MAGA leaders.

  • Finally, Real NYC Investigative Journalism.
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