LIVESTREAM 12:30pm EST: The Globalists In Plain Sight! United Pilots Sue Over Vax Mandate

February 26, 2023
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CDMedia’s American Conversations Host Christine Dolan interviews Jim Zietlow and Tom Floyd, two former United Airlines pilots with impressive U.S. military experience. Together, with their fellow United colleagues are standing for safety for pilots, crew and ground crews against the mandated covid so-called “vaccinations,” and for safety in the skies for the public domestically and internationally.

Zietlow and Floyd are plaintiffs with many other United Airlines former and current employees in a lawsuit against United, their CEO Scott Kirby and United Airlines members of the board.

Zietlow and Floyd and their co-plaintiffs are on a mission - Wings for Liberty and Justice.

Jim Zietlow had flown with United since 2001 and has flown the B-727, B-737 and internationally on the B-787. Currently, he is on an extended Covid RAP leave of absence.

Colonel Zietlow is a 1987 graduate of the USAF Academy Class of 1987. He served for 23 years flying T-38s and C-5s. Zietlow served nearly 5 years at the Pentagon which included duty as a C-5/C-17 Program Manager and a special assignment as a Congressional Liasion for the Secretary of the Air Force. He completed his career as NORAD USNORTHCOM Command Center Director defending North America against air, land, maritime, space, missile and cyberspace threats.

Zietlow led the 2007 development of the U.S. Department of Defense’ Global Pandemic Influence Plan, and knows first-hand that the DOD plan then did not include mandated vaccinations for the U.S. military.

The 2007 DOD plan was titled the DOD Global Pandemic Influenza Plan, not Influence.

In his own words, Zietlow is a “Christ following Christian,” father of two children, been married for 35 years, and today is a pilot for a private charter company.

Tom Floyd had flown B-737, 757, 767, and the 777 since 2001. He was forced to retire as a B-737 Captain.

Floyd served in the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force for 28 years flying fighter aircraft (F-16's) and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel.

Floyd also is “a Christ following Christian,” father of two children and has been married for almost 30 years. too is a pilot of a private charter company.

They are in this fight to for justice because it is the right thing to do standing up to injustice and on this mission to protect the public against corporate greed at the cost of the public’s safety.

Wings for For Justice and Liberty funding site can be found here. They are fighting for you so contribute to them.

Wings for Justice and Liberty Twitter Feed for news updates can be found here.

Below are their links:

TWITTER: @WingsforLiberty

RUMBLE: wingsforlibertyandjustice

TRUTH: wingsforlibertyandjustice


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