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Sanity's Cry: Bloomberg Kvetches Into Communist Public School Abyss

April 26, 2024
Michael Bloomberg (X screencap).

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Say what you will about Michael Bloomberg. He's a globalist Jewish billionaire, so he's insulated enough (and just plain old enough at 82) that he won't hear you. He's the symbol of what most conservatives loathe: biggest donor to the Democrat party, sits on the board of the WHO and chairs a committee at the UN.

But...he understands New York City. Most of the time, anyway. Let's agree to memoryhole Large Sodagate and appreciate that at least Bloomie is a capitalist who's tough on crime.

Show me a New Yorker who wants Eric Adams over Mike Bloomberg serving as mayor and I'll show you a criminal and/or migrant. It's that simple. That said, this isn't about the glory days of Stop & Frisk or the elegant crime solution that is Broken Windows Theory. It's about the fact that Bloomberg is correct once again, this time about public schools in New York City.

To that end, he recently penned a letter and published it on his eponymous site, The letter is a cry lost in the wind, but it's worth reading simply because it correctly identifies one of the underlying problems that plague NYC public schools: the erosion of mayoral control.

From the Bloomberg article (see full version here):

In 2002, the New York Legislature abolished the New York
City Board of Education
, which had long been a poster child for
government incompetence and educational failure, and gave
control of the school system to the mayor. Over 12
years, we made major gains: raising graduation rates by 42%,
opening 654 new schools
, reducing the racial achievement gap by
nearly a quarter, and nearly doubling the college readiness
rate...When we took office, not one of the state’s 25 highest-
performing elementary or middle schools was in New York City.
When we left office, 22 of the top 25 were in New York City.
 The new law eliminates the mayor’s authority to appoint the chair of the Panel for Educational Policy, the group that must
approve the mayor’s policies. Instead, the state legislature and
the Board of Regents (which is controlled by the legislature)
get to hand the mayor a list of three possible candidates. If
the mayor doesn’t like any of the choices, the mayor can request
a new list, though the legislature need not provide it
...The victims, after all, are their children, who still
have not recovered from the learning loss they suffered during
the pandemic. There are many steps the state could have taken to
help them — such as expanding summer school and tutoring
programs, and allowing for the creation of more charter schools
— but instead, the state chose to play politics. It’s no wonder
the school system has lost nearly 200,000 students in recent
years, as families have been voting with their feet.

This is how the deep state operates. As soon as common sense education reform is passed, bureaucrats chip away relentlessly until control is regained. In 2002, over two decades ago, the NYC Board of Education was abolished. Huge win!

Now, the (very blue) state legislature decides who runs the schools, not the mayor. NYC public schools are almost entirely abysmal. What Bloomberg built back up has been torn asunder in the past ten years of De Blasio, Adams, and a gaggle of Democrat politicians interested more in pandering to black voters than fixing the system.

Will Hochul and the legislature heed Bloomberg's advice? Not likely. Communists want children dumb, addicted to media, and mad at their "oppressors." After all, they're future voters!

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