• Unscrupulous Hunter Finally Drops Clickbait Giuliani Lawsuit

    June 14, 2024
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    Hunter Biden has admitted for all the world to see--even the denialist New York Times--that he's full of it. Hunter sued Rudy Giuliani for allegedly "manipulating data" found on the infamous laptop. He sought $75,000.

    Hunter's attorney, Abbe Lowell, quietly filed for dismissal in the US District Court of the Southern District of New York. 

    The dismissal comes after Hunter was found guilty of three felony charges relating to a gun purchase in 2018. Dropping the suit against Giuliani--essentially waving the white flag--would seem to expose the suit for what it was: cynical media deflection to maintain the elaborate charade that the laptop wasn't Hunter's (proven wrong), that data was manipulated (lacking merit, or presumably the lawsuit wouldn't have been dismissed by Hunter's lawyer).

    Read more here in the NY Post.

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