• To Your Friends Claiming The Assassination Attempt Won't Help Trump...

    July 15, 2024
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    X screencap, from @mad_liberals

    What's The Political Capital Of Getting Shot?

    There are a lot of "when did you get redpilled?" stories out there. For some, it was 9/11. For others, the Iraq War. Nobel Peace Prize recipient Barack Obama dropping more bombs on foreign countries than any president, climate doom prophecies failing to materialize for decades, Afghanistan, Covid vaccine mandates, bogus impeachments, J6, Biden's vote "surge" during the "fortified" election, DEI, open borders. So many moments to stir a population from its slumber.

    And now, on the heels of four lawfare suits (one of which was dismissed today), comes the Trump assassination attempt. Naysayers claim that Trump's powerful response to being shot won't change any minds or hearts in our deeply divided electorate.

    Those who understand the power of imagery disagree. If the June 27 debate was the wake up call for sleepwalking normies about Biden's incompetence, the assassination was a cold shower. Trump playing golf the next day was cup of hot coffee. Not breaking stride and going to the RNC as scheduled is a to-go mug full of Red Bull.

    Contrast that with Biden's continued gaffes. The Freudian slips are outrageous. "Battle box"? Twice?? From the Oval Office?

    Looking forward to Trump's remarks at the RNC!

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