• Are They Serious With Candice Miller? 22 RINOs Vote For A Democratic House

    October 18, 2023
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    Jim Jordan has just lost his second bid to become House Speaker.

    As it stands, 22 Republican holdouts are ignoring We the People.

    Amidst two different wars on two different continents and myriad incantations of radical Muslims “days of rage” to be held here in America, courtesy of home-grown and imported jihadis, 22 Republicans have made it so that Congress can’t function.

    Now, if you’re a taxpayer and citizen here in New York City (there aren’t too many left), a speaker is necessary because we’re bust. One important issue is voting on the debt ceiling. If that doesn’t happen, New York City will become insolvent as there’s no place to get money for the flood of illegal aliens Mayor Adams keeps hosting at Manhattan luxury hotels.

    Another reason why it would be nice if the 22 republicans can get it together is because of the border - the northern and southern ones that are seeing more action than a toilet seat. Mayor Adams calmly said, “We have more than 127,000 migrants…since last spring. More than 64,000 migrants in recent weeks… We’re getting nearly 4000 a week. That’s his count. Adams continues, “Every day, the team is pullin {sic} up miracles. Housing and making sure that we…provide the basic services.” Presumably, Adams means “basic services” for illegal aliens, not to citizens and taxpayers who he previously informed that thanks to illegal migrants, “all basic services will be cut.”

    Here are the 22 Republican holdouts. Give them a call and remind them their job is to represent the constituents and We the People demand they get it together.

    1. Rep. Don Bacon, of Nebraska, voted for McCarthy.
    2. Rep. Vern Buchanan, of Florida, voted for Rep. Byron Donalds
    3. Rep. Ken Buck, of Colorado, voted for Rep. Tom Emmer
    4. Rep. Lori Chavez-Ramer, of Oregon, voted for McCarthy.
    5. Rep. Anthony D'Esposito, of New York, voted for former Rep. Lee Zeldin.
    6. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, of Florida, voted for Rep. Steve Scalise
    7. Rep. Jake Ellzey, of Florida, voted for Rep. Mike Garcia
    8. Rep. Drew Ferguson, of Georgia, voted for Scalise.
    9. Rep. Andrew Garbarino, of New York, voted for Zeldin.
    10. Rep. Carlos Gimenez, of Florida, voted for McCarthy.
    11. Rep. Tony Gonzales, of Texas, voted for Scalise.
    12. Rep. Kay Granger, of Texas, voted for Scalise.
    13. Rep. John James, of Michigan, voted for Candice Miller
    14. Rep. Mike Kelly, of Pennsylvania, voted for former House Speaker John Boehner.
    15. Rep. Jennifer Kiggans, of Virginia, voted for McCarthy.
    16. Rep. Nick LaLota, of New York, voted for Zeldin.
    17. Rep. Michael Lawler, of New York, voted for McCarthy.
    18. Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, voted for Rep. Kay Granger
    19. Rep. John Rutherford, of Florida, voted for Scalise.
    20. Rep. Michael Simpson, of Idaho, voted for Scalise.
    21. Rep. Pete Stauber, of Minnesota, voted for Rep. Bruce Westerman
    22. Rep. Steve Womack, of Arkansas, voted for Scalise.

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