• Hey Kid, Want Some Pinko Candy?

    June 4, 2024
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    Joe McCarthy Was Right

    The text below was sent to "Marla," a friend who lives in the greater NYC area. It's an invitation to indoctrination for our children. "Communist Party USA" is behind the summer school, which is taught in the Little Red Schoolhouse, a progressive pre-K-12 private school in Greenwich Village.

    So, in case you want your little one to seize the means of production, sign up! Never mind that capitalism has lifted the living standard of the Western world, and by extension, its colonies. Imagine how edgy it'll be to share with friends over brunch at Balthazar that junior got high marks in Marx!

    One alumnus of the school? Robert De Niro.

    To be clear, the Little Red Schoolhouse (LRS) isn't run by the Communist Party USA, but empirically, the two have a working relationship. Apropos of nothing in particular, LRS was founded in 1921 by Elizabeth Irwin, a lesbian.

    H/T to Marla!

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